
Thursday, November 15, 2012


I have loved getting back to my crafts (and blogging BTW)
It is even better when a project turns out. Often times a craft can be simple and finished in an hour or two but makes a statement non-the-less.
So here is one of those for you.
Of course it came from Pinterest and from Craft Goodies.
Gather your supplies:
3 foam balls (I used 5", 4" and 2" I believe)
White yarn
3 black buttons
Hot glue
Large skewers (like shishkabobs)
and your wi-fi device to refer back here on ;-)
Now listen carefully...this part is hard. ;-)
Wind the yarn around the foam ball. Just randomly works best. Like you are making a ball of yarn. BTW: you can do this just with balls of yard but I didn't have enough yarn so I stuck with the foam balls. I would have taken a lot of yarn. Probably like 2 large scans or maybe 3. We did 2 snowmen with 1 scan of yarn. I just used a small dab of glue to hold the end of the thread.
Once all three balls are covered it's time to glue them together. I used large skewers to push thru all three balls to help add security. Then hot glue each one together.
See they come together nicely.
Now the not so fun part. UGH, wire. We learned that we don't do so well with wire. Here is a portion of our last project fail, don't worry I will show that one tomorrow.
Never fear though we are not crafters to let supplies go to waste. Take a mess of wire and somehow manage to twist it into a arm....
Like this. Yeah, not too bad eh!?! Just poke it through and glue. 
Oh, and BTW, we sprayed the wire black before we glued them in.
The hat on the other had was a tricky one. Thankfully my sister-in-law stopped by. She enjoys wire crafting and jewelry making. So here you go Misty. Work your magic.
Our wire was a bit springy but we got it to work. then I added a wire hook to the back to hang it with. Just pushed it through then added some glue to secure it. Add some burlap for the scarf....We tried both tan and red. I loved the red the best. I added a bit of pop.
See how good he looks!
Give it a try. You'll have fun creating a new holiday decoration.

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