
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chemical free cleaning success

 I have seen this recipe all over pinterest. After working so very much lately my housework has fallen behind, especially my showers. So what better time to give it a try. 
Equal parts white vinegar and blue Dawn. 
Don't know why the specify blue Dawn but it needs to be the original. 
Warm the vinegar and mix it in with the dawn.
 A while back I picked up a large brush just for my showers. It is so much nicer for the larger areas.
 Just spray it on. You can wait a bit but I just set in running the scrubber over the tile. I am not feeling well today so trust me, I wasn't exactly "scrubbing". Can you see the difference?!
Ok, here is a better picture. No more yucky soap scum. I love my tile color cuz it hides the scum pretty well but my nose can tell. (I am allergic to soap scum, go figure)
This kind of improvement without much effort at all, perhaps just 5 minutes, and definitely no elbow grease. Yeah, I am a believer now. I think I will spray it on after I shower in the morning then let it sit for a bit before scrubbing.
Give it a try, let me know whatcha think.


  1. New follower! Come follow me and be my buddy! Also, wanted to comment, I tried it, and although I almost died from the vinegar smell, I loved it and it really works amazingly well! I used the green Dawn and I got it to work also, not that it really matters but it does ;)

    Kelsey from Keeping Up With Kelsey

    1. Thanks for visiting Kelsey. I grew up in a small farming community. I loved seeing all the tractors. My dad would love to see some of those oldies still working. And thanks for letting me know about the green dawn. It's one of my favorite smells. Maybe compensate for the vinegar, I know what you were talking about. Looking forward to following all your fun!


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