
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wrapping 101 tutorial...

 Growing up I always helped to wrap gifts.
Gifts for the family.
Gifts for friends.
Even gifts my friends planned to give.
I thought it was easy and I enjoyed doing it.
I loved all the wrapping and the bows and ribbons. 
I loved seeing them all stacked up pretty, waiting to be tucked under the tree.
 I still wrap lots of gifts. Just not as many for others to give.
My sweet hubby does a good job but he doesn't enjoy it like I do. He usually helps by going back and forth to the tree, filling out the tags or just keeping me company. I love the time that it gives us as a couple to talk and be together. The boys don't dare interupt or they may loose a gift or two. ;-p
Anyway, I thought I would share a step by step on how to wrap a gift. Boxes are easy but when you don't have a box it can get tricky. So gather your supplies:
wrapping paper
name tags
Lets get started!

Here we have a lovely apron and cookbook. Shhh, can't tell which family member this is for.
 The first step is to measure the paper. The ends should overlap just a bit. Then cut the roll.
 I like to secure the paper to the gift. Then I can pull it taut without it moving. Side one, folded fold the other side over....
 Hey, we are getting there. Now for the ends. This is where it can get a bit tricky without the box. I smooth down the edges then fold the corner down to meet the end of the gift. See......
 Now repeat...Do that to both sides. Then all you have to do is fold the flap over the end.
 When you are done with both ends you get to add your favorite ribbon.
 One of the easiest ways is to wrap the ribbon around the corners. Hold one corner with your thumb while you wrap. Go under by your thumb and come up at the opposite corner.
 Secure your ribbon. Add a bow.
Don't forget the tag!
See, you did it! A simple, lovely wrapping job. 
Now get the rest of them wrapped. Santa Claus is coming!
                                                                  Merry Christmas!!!

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