
Sunday, August 16, 2009


The last 3 Saturday mornings we have traveled to Kelly Canyon to pick Huckleberries. MMMMHH! Yummy. They were loaded this year. In the end we got 2 1/2 gallons of those precious tangy purple berries. The boys loved the huckleberry pancakes. I usually just freeze them to enjoy through the winter. There is nothing as refreshing as huckleberries in January. For those of you who haven't tasted this little treat, stop by, I might be persuaded to share. My friend got to experience these berries and couldn't get enough. Thanks for the pie Janice!
Today I make a raspberry desert with huckleberries added. The boys are drooling buckets to taste it. Sorry boys, have to wait another hour for it to set up. It has a cream cheese filling- YUMMY!
If you wanted to pick any you'd better hustle. Fall is quickly settling in. The lower bushes leaves are already changing and the berries are ending. There have been LOTS of people picking this year. Yesterday I only got 1/2 gallon and we had to hunt a bit more. You may still find some but not for much longer. We will definantly be enjoying these into the winter.

You know the saying "out of the mouths of babes"? Well while we were picking berries Tyler and I were talking. I told him he was the perfect height cuz he could see under the leaves where the berries were. We talked about the pioneers hunting for berries. Our conversation went something like this:
Ty: I'm a good hibbleberry picker.
M: Yes you are. Look how full your bucket is already.
T: I would be a good pioneer.
M: yes you would.
T: Jesus is proud of me!
M: (chuckling) Yes Tyler! Jesus is proud of you. You are a very good little boy!
How innocent and full of love my little boys are. They fill my life with as much laughter and joy as could have ever imagined!! BOYS!! Ya gotta love them. They are the worlds most unique creatures!

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