
Friday, March 5, 2010

March VT handout

I have my March VT handout done. What do you think?
Download: HERE
I thought a bookmark would be nice. Just add a ribbon at the top if you'd like and present to your ladies with a challenge to read and STUDY the scriptures more. I know the study part is lacking for me. We have started the 100 days closer to Christ challenge as a family. I am seeing a difference. The boys are getting old enough to participate even more. I am also trying to explain things more which tests my own knowledge, thus the reason for this months message I guess. This week has been CRAZY busy. I haven't had any time to craft because of working so much. I hope to remedy that tomarrow. Also with other activities we have been going seperate directions and so we missed a couple of nights and already I am feeling the difference. We found that reading immediatly after dinner was best for us. I have tried to bribe help the little boys with desert or something special. It is a challenge in more than one way but I have felt a difference in our home the past week or so. Give it a try. Read the words of God with your family every night and you will FEEL the difference too.
I also found a couple of nice sites that have handouts, some more eleborate than others. I thought they were all good. Check them out. Now you will have several to chose from. Pick your favorite.
Latter-day Chatter
LDS Handouts
The idea door also has some but they were having problems with their site- just google it and see if it is working. Several different styles and options hope you find what will help you.

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