
Friday, April 16, 2010

Fitness Friday

Oh, am I tired tonight. I have decided that the stress from living in limbo as to where we will be living in a couple of months is going to drive me crazy! I have been much more active this week, cleaning, sorting and packing things off to the D.I. We are attacking our spring cleaning and clearing everything that we will not want to move. This includes baby supplies as we are done having babies. It is rather heart renching to drop items we have cared for over 4 boys at the D.I. There are a lot of stories that go with each outfit or swing or bouncer or stroller. Yeah, it was kinda hard to see them go. I wondered if I should save some pieces but.....I do have each of their blessing outfits preserved and stored in my cedar chest. We haven't gotten rid of many of the clothes yet so I may change my mind. I wonder though if it will be more work than it is worth. I have lots of pictures. Maybe having nice scrapbooks will be great enough legacy for my boys.......

Anyway, how did you do with your fitness goals this week? With the weather less than cooperative I didn't get in all my walks but I did do my sets of 25. I have a confession though. I don't do actual pushups YET! I have no upper body strength so I am doing wall pushes to build some strength. Then I will do pushups using my excersice ball. Do you have one of these? I love mine. I also do my situps on it. It supports my back better and I do a better crunch with it. Plus you can adjust  your resistance with it depending on how high on the ball you sit. This works great for building strength with situps. I have been working on my lower abs this last week so I didn't use it. I did reverse cruches instead. You know the ones where you lift your legs and butt instead of torso. After 4 children my abs top and bottom need some serious work!! Although I would love to drop some pounds I am just hoping for more tone at this point. I did notice some soreness in the back of my legs this week. I think that is how I will gage my success until I am able to go full steam ahead.

So my goals for this week are: do my 25's every day, walk 3 times, drink more water and take the stairs at work. Since I work on the 4th floor of the hospital this will be tought. It will be 8 flights of stairs and I am usually huffing and puffing something terrible when I get up to the floor. I also don't like the water at work so drinking more water will be tough but I always feel better when I force myself to drink more water.

What about you. What little change are you going to make this week? Little changes add up to big improvements and they are the improvements that last!


  1. I found your blog through Miss. Prindle and I LOVE it! I am not a big water fan either so I drink that Crystal Life stuff you can pour into a water bottle, we get it at WalMart, except we get the GV stufff, you could try it! How are you guys doing? I sure miss Keegan and his cutie dimples!

  2. I don't know how you do it all, girl! Where are you thinking of moving? Your scrap booking is really cute!

  3. We will probably be moving to Tooele, Ut. Robin is waiting for his background check to come in then will interview and look at the facility at Dugway AFB. He would be working with the radar systems on the jets. Exciting and nerve-wracking all at the same time!!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you think. I love to hear your thoughts and feelings so go ahead INSPIRE ME!