
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Scrapping Sunday

I am late posting this but I am just glad I got a couple of pages done. Without "scrapping Sunday's" I would not have gotten any pages done this week. This is just the motivation I need to get just a couple pages done each week. I had wanted to work on project 365 too but my nap (I worked last night) lasted longer than I intended. It felt good though. I am enjoying not being so sleep deprived. That was really starting to wear on me and consequently my family. Dear Hubby is Fabulous about letting me rest. Anyway, I am nearing the end of our Nauvoo trip. Only a few more pictures then we head home. I will have Mt Rushmore and Old Faithful to scrap then our trip will have come full circle. I have to say I am glad. I have to take a break once in a while and work on other pictures to break up the monotony. So here is my latest. I used a kit from Shabby Princess. Pages 70 and 71! Yikes, we really took that many pictures!
Looking at these pictures I am already amazed at how much has changed in our lives. Matthew has grown so much and is no longer a baby. WOW! Life moves fast.


  1. I will never know how you find the time to do all that you do! I love the pages- but where do you get your templates?

  2. I download my templates from freebies. Yeah, I'm cheap. I rarely buy a kit. All of these were freebies. Try Digital Daisies Freebies or Lori's Freebies. There are always lots of fun freebies available. Good luck!

  3. I JUST started digi scrapbooking and I LOVE it!!! My favorite part - NO MESS!!!! I'm with Erika, cool papers, I want a template that let's me "age" the edges like you did on the green's like using an "inker" but digital. Tell me the secret! You could do a post on your favorite sites and a digital scrapbooking 101. I was thinking of doing that on my site too (not that I know quite yet what I am talking about! LOL).....keep checking back and we can motivate eachother with digital scrapbooking posts.


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you think. I love to hear your thoughts and feelings so go ahead INSPIRE ME!