
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Moving update....

Time is flying by and we are getting so close to moving day. Thursday I made a quick trip to Utah for 2 job interviews, one with a travel agency and one with St Marks Hospital in Salt Lake. I am ever so happy to say that I will be starting at St. Marks on June 7th!! WHOO HOO!

I was not thrilled with the staffing agency but it would have been something to get me started. I met with them at 11:00 and filled out some paper work to get the ball rolling. Then at 2:00 I met with the director of the Progressive Care Unit at St. Marks. It is a step down telemetry unit, the same thing that I am currently doing. They are similar in size and the best part is it is a transfer within the same corporation that owns EIRMC. This means I will be able to transfer my benefits such as 401K and leave time. Since Robin's job provides top of the line benefits we will not need additional medical insurance. Yay! St Marks was going to have me start on the 21st, but after explaining how an earlier start date would make a difference of $7000 to us they put a rush on things to get me into the earlier orientation schedule. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Now we will be able to close on our new house by the end of the month.

The Lord is truely watching out for us. Things have been happening ever so fast. 1 month ago Robin was still unemployed and now we are days away from moving to Utah. Just when we don't think things will work out the Lord proves he is in control. Robin loves to tell me "I told you so" when it comes to being patient and trusting the Lord will make things ok. He doesn't get to say that very often.

Robin is loving his job. The benefits are incredible and the premiums for great insurance is the best we have ever had! His self esteem has taken a MAJOR jump. He feels he can truely take care of his family now. He walks with a proud posture, with his shoulders held back and head held high. Unemployment was really tough for my guy. I am so glad to see him in a job that he loves, that pays him what he is worth and that shows the value of having him as an employee. Amet lost a great employee, I doubt they even know, but JT3 has gained one. And our family has gained even more.

So now I am frantically trying to finish packing. I only have this week left to get everything packed up. Saturday is Keegan's baptism, which I still need to get invites out for! YIKES! Then I put in a couple of shifts at St. Marks, then it is moving time. Finally our family will be back together.

Monday, May 24, 2010

More projects....

This is great. I just packed up my sewing machine but I am tempted to get it back out. Gonna have to put these on my Christmas gift idea list! I never use the dish rack anymore (not sure why I have it). These towels from noodlehead would be fabulous.....
I am nearing the end of our Nauvoo trip pictures from last summer and now NOW I find someone that has a kit specifically made for Nauvoo! Check it out. I will be checking back for the QP's to be posted! Maybe I can finally finish this little/BIG project. We took over 900 pictures over 2 weeks. Yeah, I like to take pictures. And I realized with all those pics I never took one of our campsite or the trailer set up. Go figure.....Check it out at SAHM scrapper...

Weekly Menu

Here's what's on the menu for 4 boys and a lady this week just in case you need some ideas for dinner. I love planning, it takes the guess work out of cooking dinner.....
Tuesday: eating out in between soccer
Wednesday: Taco Casserole
Thursday: Beef stroganoff in the crock pot
Friday: Baked potatoe bar
Saturday: Pizza night

American Sign Language

Matthew has been in speech therapy for about 5 months now. He was saying several words at 12 months but then just stopped. His hearing is ok and he understands ok. Since we have gone through speech therapy before we kinda knew what to expect. Keegan started talking after 3months of S.T. Matthew however is still not talking. Keegan was already 2 when we started and Matthew just turned 2. We have a great therapist, Derrick. Matthew has a great time with him. We have been learning sign to encourage communication. He is signing more (although much better for dad than mom) and trying new sounds but still not talking per se.  One suggestion was to have a "sign" of the week. So I searched the web for signs and pictures. This is what I came up with....


The sign for "apple" is made by closing your hand and placing the knuckle of your right index finger against your cheek.  At the same time, pivot the hand back and forth. 
Note: Many people use an "a" handshape instead of the "x" handshape.
I plan to print this off then laminate it and have it on the fridge for the week to remind us all to ask for "apples" and practice signing the word. When the older boys sign Matthew is more apt to pick it up. He just has to do what his big brothers are doing. 
I found the signs here: American Sign Language
I am impressed with what I see so far. The drawings are simple and also have pictures or movies of the sign being made. I am making several sheets for the sign of the week to practice on. I hope this will help getting things going more with Matthew. Sometimes I wonder if I am too good at reading and understanding what he wants, I don't wait for him to sign it or make him sign it. I am going to work on that. He is very expressive despite his reluctance to talk. Oh, and no his brother's don't talk for him. They are gone during the day. I'm not sure how S.T. will be after we move. I am going to have to research some things. 
Just added another thing to my list didn't I!?! Dang boys anyway! Gotta love 'em.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Apple PIe al a cart....

Keegan couldn't wait open his presents today (we missed church d/t upset tummies). He managed to wait till 1:00. With the pie in the oven he tore into his gifts. Of course everyone was feeling better in time for pie. ;-)

Keegan had only asked for a new Pokemon DS game.....

Yep, I think he was happy. Of course that one was saved for the last. He has been in thralled with it since. I told him we would take a couple of friends to the movies this week (we have tickets to use before we move-double score) instead of a big party. Besides we will be having a dinner after his baptism. Our last shebang before moving. He was good with that. He prefers small gatherings anyway. 

Later, it was nearing time for dad to leave. I swear Matthew knew it was coming! We sat down on the couch, Robin was suppose to be rubbing my legs (I love that!) but Matthew was not willing to share his dad. Before I knew it Matthew was on dad's lap in the rocking chair getting his back rubbed, what the.. what's up with that?!? He was not thrilled to have dad leaving.....

Thankfully "Cars" came to the rescue to allow dad to leave without too much of a scene. This week will be full of activity. School is out on Wednesday 1/2 day, yeah. I have a phone interview tomorrow. And on Thursday I will be going to Utah to do paper work for a travel agency and check on a job at St. Mark's. Keep your fingers crossed all will go well.  I am hoping to sneak in  1 last craft project before I pack up my sewing machine. Then I will focus on scrapbooking, I will still have the laptop out at least.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Moving update

Life is still crazy around here. I wish the weather would straighten up, I'm tired of sitting in cold rain for soccer games and practice. The boys enjoy it though. We plan to move June 11th. I am still looking for a job down there. I am hoping to transfer to another HCA facility. Robin loves, LOVES his job. We miss him terribly. It is tough not having him around. I figure I only see him about 8-10 hrs a week because of our opposite schedules. It will be nice to have our family back together again.

We are going to rent our house until the market improves. We have not had anyone come to see it. Sooo, if you know of anyone needing to rent for a while please keep us in mind. We are open to a rent to own deal also......

Moving is yucky buisiness. I don't know how people can stand to move every few years. I am just settling into life now. Maybe that's why, you have to have things stirred up every now and then to keep you on your toes. As if 4 little boys don't do that enough! ha ha.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Keegan's Baptism

I will be mailing invites out but wanted to post it too. We will have a brunch afterwards. I plan to have ham, cheesy potatoes, and a green salad. If you would like to bring something to go with this great. Just plan to join us celebrate Keegan's decision to Choose the Right. We are so proud of him. He, more than any of the other boys, takes his actions very seriously. His response is matter of fact, "of course I want to be baptized". He is growing so fast and is an amazing boy. We are so very proud of him. I count among my blessings everyday that I am his mother.

5 years ago, we blessed Tyler just before leaving our ward. Now, we will baptize Keegan, just before leaving a ward we have come to love dearly. We are so excited for our move and desperate to have our family together again...but, oh how we will miss this ward family! We have the most amazing bishopbric. They are valiant men with strong spirits. They are so in touch with the youth, I hope we will find that great strength in our new ward. We have made dear friends who have impacted our lives in ways they will never know. Great adventures await us but we will return to visit the saints of the Ammon 16th Ward!! We love you all!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My First Blog Award

Well, I never thought I would get one of these but it pays to know great women. My sister in law (who really should have been born my SISTER) gave me this. She has the most amazing ideas. I don't know where she gets them all from or how she manages to remember them all. After I started blogging last year I kept after her to start. It was a bit selfish I must admit. I, for one, can't remember all the ideas she shares at family gatherings. I needed a place to refer to. And I thought of a ton of others who would love to know of her genius as well. Finally, at Christmas time, we got her blog started. Tightwad Mom's Frugal Forum. The name says it all. Need suggestions on saving and cutting costs, or just a general household tip, this is the blog to check out. To me she is one of those people I MUST have know before I knew her. We were destined to be related! I am thrilled to call her sister and hold her dear to my heart. Check her out and be dazzled!

With this award comes some responsibilities.
First, Thank you Tina!

Second: share 7 (SEVEN!) things about myself. Ok, I'd rather talk about my family or other people but...
1-  I have been a nurse for 10 years working in both acute and community health care settings. My favorite place to work has been my current job at EIRMC on the cardiac care floor. I enjoy helping patients recover from open heart surgery or just a heart attack. The heart is amazingly resilient. My most memorable experience was doing CPR during surgery. We worked so hard to save this patient but in the end had to let him go. It was tough but exhilarating to be part of such a dynamic team working to save 1 life.

2- I love to craft. I go into a store and see something and think "I can do that". If I haven't made anything after a while I start to go through withdrawals and have to get my "fix". In a house of boys it keeps me sane.

3- I love to scrapbook. I have done so for about 17 years. I scrap-booked before it was so popular so I have a wide range of styles. My earlier books are so simple, and probably not archival quality but I love to look back at the changes in my life. One day, I hope my children will appreciate all the work I've done and love the legacy left to them as much as I do.

4- Yep, I'm a coupon fanatic. I get a crazy high off of coming out of the store with bags and bags of groceries and still having money in my pocket. This was an impossible feat with 4 boys before I learned the skill of coupon shopping. Now, I revel in it!

5- I love the morning time. 6-10 am is my favorite time of the day! I love to have the morning sun shine right in my kitchen window. I love the cool crispness you enjoy during those summer hours. I love the feeling of waking refreshed and anew. And I love the feeling of getting a jump start to the day, then looking back that evening to all that I accomplished.

6- I still enjoy playing in the dirt. When I was little we had huge mounds of dirt in the yard. Dad would spread it around to extend our yard. Since we only had river rock on the property he would haul in spud dirt to level out. While he was a work us kids would dig and play in the "dirt pile". Now my "dirt pile" is my garden. I get a great sense of satisfaction from growing our own food, carving our own pumpkins or seeing my little boys pick a tomatoe fresh out of the garden and eat it like an apple.

7- I am proud to say I know how to can and preserve my garden vegi's. Canning and sewing are becoming lost arts and I am ever so thankful to a mother who taught me these skills. Last year I processed over 300 bottles of food; green beans, pickled beats, pears, peaches, apples, applesauce, salsa, corn, carrots, broccoli, and stew.

Third: I have to pick 15 blogs I have been to recently to pass this award on to.

And Fourth: I'll be letting each of these blogs know.
I love to see all the great ideas I come across in blogland. They are inspiring to me. I am so thankful for all the talented ladies out there who willingly share their talents and allow me to improve my family life.

Great ideas....

I just found Your Life Uncommon. I'm impressed. I'm thinking about a job chart like this only in soccer theme for my boys.
I really like this idea about door signs from Be Different...Act Normal
And I love this simple fountain from BLJ Graves. I think it would look great in the front of our new house. What do you think????
I can't wait to get our move over so I can enjoy creating some of these wonderful ideas. It is becoming my saving grace to escape to blogland once in a while though.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boy Birthday Party Ideas

I see so many cute little girl party ideas but I am after all MOM24BOYS! So I am taking a break from the madness that entails moving out of state to search for party ideas for Keegan. He turns 8 in a couple of weeks and I have NO IDEA what to do for him. I have packed much of my craft supplies so creativity is going to really be tested. First off is to collect ideas.....

I love the Mad Scientist idea from Homemade mamas. Although I think I might save this for Josh. Nov1 would be a great time for this. He loves to do experiments too......Here is another link for Mad Scientist party ideas....

Some of these candy cakes from Be Different...Act Normal would be cool. We are not big cake eaters but these would be an alternative....
This could be a party to go with dad's new job working with the Air Force.... Although planes don't seem to be Keegan's thing.....
We're getting closer with this astronomy party. I have lots of practice with film canister rockets from scouts....

Anyone have good ideas? I am low on time and many of my supplies are packed but I still want to keep the cost down......

Monday, May 10, 2010

Things I've gotta try...

With a house of boys treats are always top of the list. I think it's one thing dad has learned while being home, "I'm Hungry" never leaves. Once we are settled in the new house I am gonna try to hold "I'm Hungry" off with some of these. Plus I love her comments, yep moms love to be "top mom for the day"!

How about these Carmel Shortbread Bars from Brown Paper Packages?
Ohhh, Yeah!

I really like this idea of card groups at Brown Paper Packages.
Or these cards at Sisters Stuff.

 I made my mom cards for Christmas to use throughout the year. It was fun and I loved using all my scrap supplies. You know, all the little pieces that are too big to toss and too small to use in a page layout. Plus now I do digital scrapbooking so I can make use of the paper supplies I still have on hand. FUN!

Can't ya just see Matthew plopping down on one of these floor pillows from Living wtih Punks?

I found this patriotic wreath at Every Crafty Endeavor. Adding it to my to do list for the 4th. Perhaps next years 4th as we will just be moving the weekend of the 4th this year......

Ahh, lots of fresh ideas. Now for a little time to create.....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. ~Abraham Lincoln
I am not eloquent of speech (wish I were) but I wanted to let the mothers in my life know how special they are. I have many fond memories of my mom and the lessons she has taught me. My love of crafting and homemaking comes from a mother who can do it all. I really think the only craft she is limited by is knitting. I learned to craft, sew, grow a garden then can those vegi's as well as cook from a mother who knew and cared enough to teach me. How thankful I am for these skills (even more so is my dear husband). I am amazed at the number of ladies who don't have these skills in their lives.

Mom, I will endevor to remember stories of records through picture windows when I replace the computer screen after having a toy launched by little fingers at it. And wooden spoon's effect on moving beaters as my boys tip over grandfather clocks. Or when the scooters are parked behind the van, again. I will remember teaching cartwheels as we head to the ER, again.

I will savor all these but most of all the moments of cuddling on the couch. Of dandilion boquets that bring on itchy eyes and sneezing. I will cherish the repeated calls of "MOMMMMMYYYYY!" I will drink the "special juice" and smile through the eggs shells in scrambled eggs from my breakfast in bed. I will imprint the size of those little fingers, the sounds of laughter from little voices, and the stilling of that little cry with a hug. I will count my blessings one slobbery kiss at a time.

I will strive to teach my boys to be strippling warriors so that they too may one day say, "we did not doubt for our mother taught us".

Mom, thanks for teaching me everything.
And my other mom, thanks for raising your strippling warrior. He has become as Captain Moroni.
I love you both.
You don't really understand human nature unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round will wave at his parents every time around - and why his parents will always wave back. ~William D. Tammeus