
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Moving update....

Time is flying by and we are getting so close to moving day. Thursday I made a quick trip to Utah for 2 job interviews, one with a travel agency and one with St Marks Hospital in Salt Lake. I am ever so happy to say that I will be starting at St. Marks on June 7th!! WHOO HOO!

I was not thrilled with the staffing agency but it would have been something to get me started. I met with them at 11:00 and filled out some paper work to get the ball rolling. Then at 2:00 I met with the director of the Progressive Care Unit at St. Marks. It is a step down telemetry unit, the same thing that I am currently doing. They are similar in size and the best part is it is a transfer within the same corporation that owns EIRMC. This means I will be able to transfer my benefits such as 401K and leave time. Since Robin's job provides top of the line benefits we will not need additional medical insurance. Yay! St Marks was going to have me start on the 21st, but after explaining how an earlier start date would make a difference of $7000 to us they put a rush on things to get me into the earlier orientation schedule. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Now we will be able to close on our new house by the end of the month.

The Lord is truely watching out for us. Things have been happening ever so fast. 1 month ago Robin was still unemployed and now we are days away from moving to Utah. Just when we don't think things will work out the Lord proves he is in control. Robin loves to tell me "I told you so" when it comes to being patient and trusting the Lord will make things ok. He doesn't get to say that very often.

Robin is loving his job. The benefits are incredible and the premiums for great insurance is the best we have ever had! His self esteem has taken a MAJOR jump. He feels he can truely take care of his family now. He walks with a proud posture, with his shoulders held back and head held high. Unemployment was really tough for my guy. I am so glad to see him in a job that he loves, that pays him what he is worth and that shows the value of having him as an employee. Amet lost a great employee, I doubt they even know, but JT3 has gained one. And our family has gained even more.

So now I am frantically trying to finish packing. I only have this week left to get everything packed up. Saturday is Keegan's baptism, which I still need to get invites out for! YIKES! Then I put in a couple of shifts at St. Marks, then it is moving time. Finally our family will be back together.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new job(s)! St Marks doesn't know it yet, but they got a great employee too :) Hope EIRMC realizes what they are losing! Good luck in the coming weeks- busy, busy, busy!


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