
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Activity Days: Sock Hop

Our Sock Hop was a great success complete with balloons, pictures, rootbeer floats and poodle skirts.
One of the girls brought her Grandpa. He added a great piece by sharing memories of the 50's era. It was great.
We played a couple of different games.
First the 'couples' had to answer questions about each other. One of the girls came up with the questions which made it even better. They were like: what size shoe does your dad wear. What is her favorite subject in school. The winners got candy bars.
Then dad's had to pick their daughters hand and girls had to pick their dads feet from behind a screen. I think everyone got it right too.

Another one of the girls suggestions the shaving a balloon game. The girls had to shave to balloon. If they popped the balloon they would have cut their dad. I am proud to say none of the girls popped their balloons.
We served rootbeer floats. They tasted extra yummy to me. Good old fashioned Farr's ice cream with rootbeer. YUM!
I took the girls pictures with dad then made up a collage for them. They were excited to get them.
All in all it was a success. The dads had a great time with their girls. I think it is so important for girls to have a positive male role model in their lives, whether that be dad, uncle, grandpa or a family friend. It's important and it was good to see these dads taking part in their girls lives.

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