
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hot Cocoa anyone?

We L.O.V.E. hot chocolate at our house. The boys have been known to, on occassion, ask for it in the summer after playing in the pool. Of course it is never HOT but rather more like luke warm. I just stocked up on marshmallows for Christmas treats and I am hoping to get them all made before the little ones raid the marshmallows. Of course I have Grandma to thanks for part of this. She loves to give them the seasonal marshmallows. I mean, what's better for little boys than chomping down on a green tree made of cushy mallow yumminess?!
Now just combine marshmallows and cocoa together and they are in near heaven! So imagine my delight when I found these coasters on Noodlehead. OH MY GOSH! I love them. Yep, I am definantely going to make these. In fact I will be pulling out the sewing machine this week so maybe I will have something to show you along these lines. (Of course that is on top of Christmas activities and family visits and work and school- oh boy, but I gotta have 'em!)
~Just so DANG CUTE!~

I have never made gingersnap cookies but thought I would try some this year and then comes along Jaimie with one of her well timed recipes. Guess we will have hot cocoa on new cute coasters with gingersnaps! Anyone wanna join us?

Here is another project from Sisterstuff- love their blog BTW! And I think I have all the stuff for this too!

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