
Monday, January 31, 2011

Canning Apple Pie Filling

I finally got to those apples sitting in the basement. I have been meaning to make pie filling but kept putting it off. Unfortunantly I could no longer procrastinate. They were starting to get a bit soft.
I used my apple, peeler, corer but some of them had to be peeled by hand. Made me learn my lesson to get them canned while they are still crisp!
Add a bit of nutmeg, cinnamon, and sugar for the syrup. Then stuff the jars to the brim with apples and syrup.
Is your mouth watering yet?? he he he

This past fall I got in on a great deal for a steam canner. You use it in place of a water bath canner for high acid foods- fruits and tomatoes.
Because it used steam you only have to boil a couple of inches of water rather than a barrel of water.
My dear sis-in-law let me use hers last year so I had to jump at the deal to get one.
I have to say I like mine better for this one reason....
It has a wire rack rather than a more solid one. This way I could see exactly how much water was left in between batches and didn't have to worry about scalding the pan.
My other tool that spoils me when I am canning is this baby...
Dear hubby got this for me years ago. It simply has a magnet on the end to get the lids out of the boiling water wtihout worrying about scratching my pans.
Thanks Babe!
Once your bottles are preped and filled place them on the rack and cover.
Once the steam starts to come out you set your timer. Because you're only heating a couple of inches of water it doesn't take long.
Then, before you know it, you have pie filling to enjoy throughout the year!
Anyone got some vanilla ice cream?


  1. You had the case of apples haunting you too, huh? LOL I was so annoyed that mine were too soft to use the peeler/slicer/corer. What a mess!
    Your pie filling looks so yummy!

  2. LOL! I like yours better,too. Dear Hubby bought me one just like yours for Christmas last year. It fits better on my back burner, so now I can get both of my steam canners going at the same time, when I am in one of my canny frenzies!


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