
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award....

I have been thrilled lately each time I get on my blog. I suddenly have lots of people interested in what I have done. Let's admit it, we all love a little love in return. It is exciting to hear what you all think of my latest project. I was even more thrilled to be awarded the Stylish Blogger Award from Amanda at City girl gone Coastal. It's the little things that make my day. Amanda- you made my day today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
So here are the rules:
  1.  Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 recently discovered great blogs.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
    7 Things about Me....
    1- I feel privileged to be among an elite group of ladies that are moms to ALL boys. It's a unique world!
    2. I credit a wonderfully creative mother for all my craftiness. She inspires me still.
    3. I can't sit still....really! I have to be doing something all the time. Even watching t.v. I sit with my laptop, scrapbooking or blogging or something.
    4. I'm a Christian AND a Mormon.
    5. I love finding a great deal and making my $1 stretch.
    6. I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes.
    7. I hate to be alone. I don't have to be talking all the time, just need someone close.

    Now for 15 fabulous blogs....
    1. Crafts & such
    2. Crafty Chic Mommy
    3. Dew This
    4. Everybody loves Raymond...and Kat
    5. Pinching your Pennies 
    6. Full of Great Ideas
    7. Gina's Skinny Recipes
    8. House of Hepworths
    9. Jaimie cooks it Up 
    10. Keeping it Simple
    11. Lil' Luna- All Things Good
    12. Not just a Housewife
    13. The Boy Trifecta 14. Tightwad Mom's Frugal Forum
    15. The Scrap Shoppe

    Each of these blogs inspires me and helps me build my happily ever after. From crafts to deal shopping to great recipes, you'll find a little bit of everything. Check them out and enjoy learning something new!


Thanks for visiting. Let me know what you think. I love to hear your thoughts and feelings so go ahead INSPIRE ME!