
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Posts of note...

I added curtains to my bedroom- finally. Now, I need something to dress up my kitchen window. With a house of boys not many of my window treatments have a soft edge, but now, my kitchen will. I saw this and had to post about it so I could find it when I am ready to sew curtains.

I love organized closets! Take the side street has it perfect! My oldests closet started out great but has gone down hill. I need to redo it with something better. This closet is just inspiring.
With our trip to California creeping closer and closer this car organizer caught my eye.
We need to make use of all the space we can. Hmmm, I think I am gonna have to get the sewing machine out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the coloring book and crayons are wonderful in the car for a long trip! I hope you get a chance to make one before your trip. Thanks for sharing the car organizer.


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