
Thursday, May 12, 2011

This weeks menu 5/9/11

I'm a way late but thought I would share anyway. I have planned 2 weeks menu. My shopping list was still short but there are some great sales going on right now. You can check them out at PYP. By stocking up during great sales I manage to cook from my pantry most weeks. Instead of shopping Walmart for dinner I shop my pantry previously stocked from great sales! It's a great feeling to know I can feed my family without a single trip to the store when times are lean.

Chicken Enchiladas
Turkey, potatoes, green beans
Turkey noodle casserole
Clam Chowder
Chicken Nuggets
Olive Garden Zuppa Soup

I will post next weeks menu on Sunday. I bought a couple of Turkey's with the November sales and have had them sitting in my freezer. While browsing the freezer and storage I realized I should cook one of them. The end of this week will be nice but it has started out raining and cool. Perfect for soup and comfort food. I may make some changes and break out the grill again this weekend but that will depend on if hubby is up to it. He is the grill expert, which I totally enjoy! It means a night out of the kitchen for me!

1 comment:

  1. Your menu for this week sounds YUMMO!!! Can you believe I finally figured out how to comment on your blog? :)


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