
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Great dads!

We had a fantastic weekend. Spent Friday at Lagoon with my favorite boys. Just me and 4 boys with one wonderful father.
I have spent the past 16 yrs with this man. He is what makes my heart beat each day. I love to see him wrestle with his boys, play games, teach and lead them. He has been sharing more insites during our family scripture study each night. He never stopped amazing me. I love him and his boys love him. We all look forward to the weekends when dad will be home and ready to play. I am so thankful for someone my boys can look up to. He sets the perfect example of a man, husband and father. 

Then we were off to Idaho to see the other great men in our lives....

Growing up I missed a lot of my own dad. He is the ultimate work-a-holic! He always worked 2 or 3 jobs to provide for his family. We didn't have it all but we had all that matter- together. My dad taught me the value of work; the names of tools, how to work a shovel and a hammer. My dad taught me to be patient (still learning this one ;-p ). He taught me to value the simple things, the smell of fresh air and farming. He taught me by example to be true to myself no matter what. He taught me to set my goals and work to achieve them. He taught me to work smarter...not harder. My dad inspired me to go get "that stupid piece of paper", my Bachelors of Science in Nursing. My dad supported me through all the ups and downs. I remember my dad sitting with me on my bed during those crazy teen drama moments. With a house of girls he treated us each as a princess. He gave us all he had and prayed he could do more......
Dad- you never could have done more. You were already the best dad! 

My life would not be what it is without one last dad in my life....My sweet father in law. He is responsible for the man who stole my heart. He holds firm to his convictions, steadfast and strong. He faced life's greatest fears and won. He raised a house of 5 boys, all of which became Eagle Scouts and know the value of freedom. He taught my sweetheart to honor his priesthood and to follow his heart. He taught him the value of humility and seeking our Father in Heaven in prayer for guidance each day. He laughs at the antics of all the grandsons in his life, setting a good example for them to follow.
These are the men in my life, without whom I would be lost. Thank you each. I love you. 
Happy Fathers Day!

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