
Saturday, June 9, 2012

PVC bikerack

 I love Pinterest! And I use the ideas from there A LOT. This is one of them a PVC Bike Rack. Our vehicles were getting quite the scratches from little boys moving their bikes in and out of the garage. They ride to school so bikes are always on the move. This turned out to be a great mom and sons project.
 With a $25 gift card from grandma- Thanks mom! we picked up all the supplies we needed. Then we headed home and started measuring. I had my oldest do the math to make sure we made the correct cuts. He had to work with fractions so it was good practice. Then they helped assemble it. Once we were sure we had it right we went back through and glued it all together. They were thrilled! Dad was impressed. So was our neighbor. ;-)
 We placed just inside the garage so now they just pull up and park the bikes in their slot. When they leave in the morning they can just pull straight out and be on their way. It saves lots of room and organizes the garage. But the best part is I don't have to worry about another handle bar crashing into my van!
See...Nice and Neat. Just how mom likes it!
Here is the direct link to the project.

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