
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Melted Snowman Ornaments- 15 minute project

I don't usually have a lot of time to craft and create so I love it when I come across a project that came be finished in those 30 minute windows between mom's taxi runs. 
This little ornament is quick and easy.
Gather your supplies (chances are most of them are already sitting out).
Glue gun with extra glue.
Jute/string/thread anytime will do.
Pony beads for eyes and mouth. (you could use anything really)
Orange pipe cleaner (I tried a orange sparkle bead, worked too)
And aluminum foil. I tried parchment paper first- didn't work.
Step #1:
Tie a little knot at the end of your string. Then start glueing. Put a bit of glue around in a melted pile. I tried just one big spot as well as going around the edges. Both worked but I like how it spread out better going around the edges. You just want to make sure it over laps so the glue runs together.
Add "2 eyes made out of coal" uhemmm, I mean two eyes of beads.
"And a button nose" made of orange pipe cleaner.
No corncob pipes here but a nice beaded mouth. Oh and here is an idea of how big the nose is. About 1/2" then fold it in half. Too long and it doesn't sit in the glue very well.
Then tuck them in the freezer. Yep, right their. Oh, move the ice cream out of the way. Between the yeast and baking soda box will do nicely. That way they will set up and pull off the foil more easily.
After about an hour use have this!
Cute melted snowman ornaments.
Just beware, little elves might move them around to help decorate their own little rooms. ;-)


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