
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PTA board

Last month we listed the wish lists of our teachers. 
This month I wanted to continue with that idea. The district supplies the basics but so many of our teachers go above and beyond. Several of them have 'reward stores' for the kids to shop at when they have earned points in the classroom. Others supplement with electronic educational games. Topping it all off is the neverending need for clorox wipes, especially in the peak of cold and flu season. 
Our board is right in the front lobby so lots of parents can see it as they come and go. 
Done in our school colors, red and blue, I used a pad of post-its. Each post-it note has an item our teachers have requested on it. When a parent see's a need they can fill they just take the note and return it with the requested item to the teacher. 
Hopefully by the end of the month the notes will all be gone, revealing the secret message underneath. (shhh, don't tell, it's a heart that says "we love West")
So far the teachers are loving it. Hope the parents are as well. It takes an entire community to raise a child. Together we are doing great things!

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