So tip #1: Get your coupons!
In order to work the coupons ya gotta have COUPONS. They mostly come from the paper. The Post Register has a "coupon" or "pinching pennies" deal where you get a daily paper but on Sunday you get 5 copies for $17/month on auto pay. Now, why would you want 5 Sunday papers? To get 5 copies of each coupon!!! Then when a great sale comes along I can stock up with my 5 coupons then sit back and enjoy until another great deal comes along. This is how you build your WORKING food storage. It will start to accumulate really quickly with 5 coupons. I spend about an hour on Sunday clipping my coupons AND filing them into my binder (more on this later) so it is not too time consuming either. The other places to look for coupons is in the mail, along the store aisles, or by trading with friends and online. Rebekah likes Suave shampoo, I like Pantene, so we swap. 10 Pantene coupons for the next sale YAHOOO!! It's win/win for both of us. Sound good? Get your subscription to the paper- YES it's worth it. Rebekah watched me for a couple of months before realizing she couldn't afford NOT to get the coupon subscription. You definantly get your money back.
Watch for how to organize your coupons next.... and leave me a note and tell me if this is helpful or not. I sometimes wonder who, if anyone, ever reads my wanderings...