Sunday, February 28, 2010
Reclaiming my space
Project 11 of 52 cupcake stands
Blue will also be useful for years to come in this house of boys. We had both of these projects set up at the dinner. I guess I didn't get a picture of them set up but they were a hit. Just a fun little touch to parties. We have 3 birthdays coming up so I plan to put them to good use. Just another DI transformation!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Scout Calendar
What do you think? I think they will work well for Blue & Gold plus for the birthdays we have coming up.I also found a 3 teared stand that is green but we plan on painting it blue. Blue for B&G and for 4 boys birthday parties. Love it when you can multi-task with supplies.
Did you know about the section of "Yard" stuff at the DI? It's back off the clothes section. I found lots of goodies back there. Canning jars- $0.25, large frames, school desks, milk cans, holiday decor. Lots of good stuff. After blog surfing and seeing how things can be redone I look at DI items with whole new eyes. My sis-in-law is truely the Queen of thrift shopping. I am in envy of her $7 pressure cooker found IN THE BOX! Or what about her Victorio Strainer for $2? That paid for itself 10x over with all of our applesauce. Yep, I am an aspiring thrift store shopper. One day I will come home with an amazing find! ;-)
I am hoping to finish my next project this weekend. With working extra and the B&G I won't get much else done during the week. I am so excited. Plus I want to make an Easter garland. I also desperately need to get some organizing done in my crafty area, make a few cards for upcoming events. I only have a couple of months to get things done before it's garden time. In another couple of weeks I plan on getting my starts going so I really have to dive in and get projects done. I have an itching to do SOMETHING. Ever feel that way. I need a good before/after project.
I think I will be doing some painting soon too. Ah, so many projects, too little time.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Project 10 of 52: Valentines Mailboxes
I think I will leave the Valentine decor up till the end of the month then put up Easter. I have more Easter decor but want to do up the mantel. I like to add a little each year so we will see what I can come up with this year. Plus, I will be organizing the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt again. It was a huge success last year and I am excited to do this again. Can you believe we are looking to Easter already? I am already thinking of gardening too. We had a great garden last year but I want to have a better one. We need beans and I am hoping to get my peas going this year. There is always something isn't there?!
Oh, and I started my craft cupboards today! I am doing this project on my own. It is exciting. I can't wait to show you! I think it is going to be FABULOUS!
Monday, February 15, 2010
4share set up....
Sunday, February 14, 2010
VT Message