I am a sucker for a great chic flic. It has to be a classic love story. I don't care that it is predictable. And it ABSOLUTELY MUST have the happy ending. City of Angels, uhm NO! I can't handle that. I want the warm fuzzy feeling. The Notebook, ooh yeah. I love this. I actually figured out the twist before dear hubby did which is rare. The classic fight against all odds for what you want. Yep, I'm all for that. Love is afterall something WORTHY of a fight. It takes work every single day! There are powers everyday seeking to take our happiness away. Life happens. Life is a 4-letter word. It gets in the way, little by little of what matters most. Each day we have to work at it. It's not easy to live with the one you love the most. Someday's it's not easy to love them, it takes work...HARD work. But it is worth it to have that love forever. I am so glad for my dear sweetheart. We have our own little love story. It is frought with perils and trials. Times were we weren't sure it would endure, but we fought the fight. We are still fighting. Fighting for each other. Fighting for Eternity. For what we want.
What are you fighting for?
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Thank you - this is beautiful.