Project 49 of 52
Its done and I am thrilled with the results!
My mantra is "A place for everything and everything in it's place". Unfortunately my boys have been in need of "A place..". Afterall it's hard to say "where does your coat and backpack belong when there really isn't a place to put them. My quest this week has been to correct that problem. I searched for ideas and came up with a few. The problem is with boys the selection of ideas is severely limited. If you have boys you know exactly what I am talking about. Of course it's funer to do the thrilling frills with little girls but this momma of boys wants some style in her boys rooms. So this is what I came up with.....
I built a frame out of scrap trim we had from building big brothers bedroom. A miter saw is a fantastic tool to have. I stapled the back of the corners to help hold it in place while I glued and clamped it. I let it dry over night.
In the ducting section of Home Depot you can get sheets of metal at a great price. They have other sheets in another section of the store but it is more money (don't ask why, I think they are preying on us crafters ;-)). This is about 30 inches wide and only cost about $6 (I think).
After the frame had dried I simply glued it to the metal. Gorrilla glue is a wonderful product.
One benefit of boys is simplicity. I wanted a streamlined hook and they happen to be the less expensive hooks too. I think these hooks were $1 or $2.
In an effort to add some color I painted it blue but antiqued the wood a bit....
I just used craft paint for the blue base. When it was dry I sanded a bit around the edges then applied a dark walnut stain. I tend to be a perfectionist so sometimes this can be tough for me- I want everything balanced and less randomness but I refrained from maintaining balance with this project- yeah for me.
Just add a cute rock magnet and my little guy has a display board for his artwork and a place to hang his coat and backpack. Now my fridge won't be covered with as many masterpieces.
I LOVE IT!! What do you think? I surprise Ty when he got home from Kindergarten. He jumped up and down. Then when his buddy came over he had him close his eyes just like mom did to him. TOO CUTE! Gotta love those boys!.
This is the before...
I originally wanted to do wainscoating but the vent would have been messed up- I didn't want to muck with things that much so...on to plan B.
I like plan 'B' better!

Kids can never have too many hooks--thanks for linking up!